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African Wild Jungle honey 600gm


Benefits of African bee honey:

  • Rich in nutrients and minerals that support overall health and strengthen immunity
  • Rich in antioxidants, it protects against degenerative diseases and infections, prevents cancer and strengthens mental activity
  • Rich in plant extracts that have therapeutic effects
  • Helps speed healing of wounds, ulcers and burns
  • Anti-microbial and anti-fungal
  • Tonic for fertility and support for reproductive health in general
  • Helps digestion and eliminates digestive disorders
African Wild Jungle honey600 gram
African jungle bee honey:

This type of honey varies in terms of flavor and properties according to the period and location in which bees sucking and the most famous types of African honey:

1- Arusha bee honey

African bees in the Arusha region of Tanzania make bee honey that has a pungent taste that is naturally produced in beehives that are usually inside dry tree trunks, shrubs, trees and holes in the ground. It is produced by bees from the tall flowers of papaya, mango and avocado trees

But its production has decreased a lot due to pollution in the environment there.

2- Rira honey

Rera honey is produced in the village of Rera in the Ethiopian Oromia region. Bees make this unique honey from the nectar of different plants such as garamba, padesa, jelly and hito. This biodiversity is what makes Raira honey unique and of medicinal value.

Rara honey has a creamy texture and a pale hazelnut color. The flavor is strong and fruity, with a hint of malt and caramel.

3- Berkan Wenshi honey

Produced in the Wenshi Berkane region of Ethiopia’s Oromia region

This delicious amber-yellow honey has a smooth texture and an intense and floral aroma, while its flavors are reminiscent of lightly roasted caramel.

It is creamy on the tongue and has a medium acidity level. The main flowers used in the production of Wenchi volcano honey are heather and rose

4- Tigray white honey

The homeland of Tigray white honey is the highlands of the Tigray region located in the far north of Ethiopia.

The three different types of honey produced by bees in this region are white, red and yellow, and the white variety accounts for nearly 90% of the total harvest. White Tigray honey has an uneven granular texture, good consistency and a beautiful pure white colour.

The aroma is soft and delicate, while the flavor is somewhat sweet with a strong, long-lasting aftertaste produced by bees from the flowers of plants of the mint and sage family, but also from other plants such as the prickly pear.

5- Ogic honey

It is produced by bees from the nectar of pear flowers in Kenya whose life depends on the natural resources of the forests and their main activity is beekeeping.

Honey collected in August gives it its typical grayish-white color and a unique flavour. The honey collected in December is slightly yellow in colour.

6-Bore honey

Bore is located in the Goji highlands of Ethiopia

Bees produce a lot of flowers. The bees make two types of honey in their traditional hives called jajura: white honey and dark amber honey.

Jagora cells are tall cylinders that hang from tree branches, made from a mixture of straw, bamboo, banana leaves and vines.

Benefits of African bee honey:

  • Rich in nutrients and minerals that support overall health and strengthen immunity
  • Rich in antioxidants, it protects against degenerative diseases and infections, prevents cancer and strengthens mental activity
  • Rich in plant extracts that have therapeutic effects
  • Helps speed healing of wounds, ulcers and burns
  • Anti-microbial and anti-fungal
  • Tonic for fertility and support for reproductive health in general
  • Helps digestion and eliminates digestive disorders