Body care products with honey and propolis
Showing all 19 results
Body care products with honey and propolis, Manuka honey
Manuka Mask 50 g
Natural formula rich in antioxidants, vitamin A and vitamin C, and contains anti microbial compounds and amino acids that nourish and help regenerate skin cells. Contains oils that are rich in omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, and by applying them to the face, the skin absorbs them as they nourish collagen and stimulate its formation under the skin and revitalizing it, which gives the face the appearance of fullness and youthfulness.
with the following ingredients provide shiny radient youthful appearance of your face
Ingredients: Raw Manuka Honey – olive oil – walnut oil – vitamin E – royal jelly – Propolis – pollens – germ oil – grape oil – Linseed oil – glycerin – sheia butter.
SKU: 7571 -
Body care products with honey and propolis
ORAL SPRAY Hygiene & Protection 25ml
Oral spray
Oral spray with New Zealand Manuka honey, which contains effective organic compounds that eliminate microbes and fungi, soothes sore gums and throat, and relieves tooth sensitivity
The spray contains propolis with its effectiveness to help heal sores in the gums and cleanse the mouth of microbes and fungi, soothes sore throats and prevents tooth decay.
An ideal spray for the elderly, diabetics and children
SKU: 393880 -
Body care products with honey and propolis
Natural Propolis Shampoo With Honey & Milk 400 ml
propolis shampoo with propolis extract with honey milk for brittle falling hair.
propolis extract (bee gum) give it anti-microbial and anti-fungal properties that protects the scalp from infections and dandruff and stimulates the cells in hair follicles which are responsible for hair growth and prevents its loss.
– A nourishing shampoo that contains various essential nutrients, so that it nourishes your hair with vitamins, minerals and proteins, so that it strengthens the hair, stops its breakage, softens and smooths its texture.
It contains natural ingredients rich in antioxidants that protect hair follicles from damage.
SKU: n/a -
Body care products with honey and propolis
شامبو البروبوليس الطبيعي 400 مل
شامبو البروبوليس بالعسل والحليب للشعر المتقصف والمتساقط ويفيد كل انواع الشعر
مكوناته من خلاصة العسل الطبيعي وخلاصة العكبر صمغ النحل تجعله مضاد للميكروبات و الفطريات يحمي فروة الرأس من الالتهابات والقشرة و ينبه الخلايا في بصيلات الشعر وهي المسؤلة عن نمو الشعر ويمنع تساقطه.
– شامبو مغذي يحتوي على العناصر الغذائية الأساسية المختلفة مصنوع من عسل النحل الغني بمضادات الاكسدة والمعادن والفيتامينات يحمي بصيلات الشعر من التلف . الحليب غني بالفيتامينات الدهنية والفسفور والبروتينات الكبريتية والكيراتين والبيوتين بحيث يغذّي شعرك بالفيتامينات والمعادن والبروتينات فيقّوى الشعر ويوقف تكسّره ويطري وينعم ملمسه.
SKU: n/a -
Body care products with honey and propolis
Natural Propolis Shampoo With Lemon 400 ml
Propolis shampoo with lemon for oily hair
Its components of natural honey extract, propolis extract and propolis make it an anti-microbial and anti-fungal that protects the scalp from infections and dandruff and alerts the cells in the hair follicles which are responsible for hair growth and prevents its loss.
– A nourishing shampoo that contains various essential nutrients so that it nourishes your hair with vitamins, minerals and proteins, so it strengthens the hair, stops its breakage, softens and smoothes its texture.
Lemon extract and lemon oil balance the sebum in the oily hair follicles
It contains natural ingredients with antioxidant properties that protect hair follicles from damage.
SKU: n/a -
Body care products with honey and propolis
Natural Propolis Shampoo With Argan oil 400 ml
Natural Propolis shampoo with propolis extract and argan oil for normal and dry hair
Argan oil softens the hair, gives it an attractive luster, stimulates hair follicles to grow, and nourishes it with proteins and vitamins.
Its components of natural honey extract, propolis extract, and propolis make it anti-microbial and anti-fungal. It protects the scalp from infections and dandruff and alerts the cells in the hair follicles, which are responsible for hair growth and prevents its loss.
– A nourishing shampoo that contains argan oil and various essential nutrients so that it nourishes your hair with vitamins, minerals and proteins, so it strengthens the hair, stops its breakage, softens and smoothes its texture.
It contains natural ingredients with antioxidant properties that protect hair follicles from damage.
SKU: n/a -
Body care products with honey and propolis
Natural Propolis Shampoo With Coconut oil 400 ml
Natural propolis shampoo with propolis extract with coconut oil for very dry hair
for hair care and a smooth, lustrous appearance.
Its components of natural honey extract and propolis extract (bee gum) give it anti-microbial and anti-fungal properties that protects the scalp from infections and dandruff and stimulates the cells in hair follicles which are responsible for hair growth and prevents its loss.
– A nourishing shampoo that contains various essential nutrients, so that it nourishes your hair with vitamins, minerals and proteins, so that it strengthens the hair, stops its breakage, softens and smooths its texture.
It contains natural ingredients rich in antioxidants that protect hair follicles from damage.
SKU: n/a -
Body care products with honey and propolis
Propolis Soap 150 gram
Ingredients: Propolis (Propolis), natural honey, olive oil, coconut oil, shea butter, palm oil, canola oil, sterilized water, glycerin
Moisturizing and nourishing the skin, providing it with vitamins that give it vitality and a soft texture, and protects against cracks that arise from eczema when exposed to cold weather and works to get rid of the dry dead skin layer
It helps delay the appearance of wrinkles, disinfects the skin from microbes and fungi, soothes allergies, exfoliation and psoriasis, helps heal wounds, ulcers and acne, whitens the skin and gets rid of pigmentation and brown spots.
SKU: n/a -
Body care products with honey and propolis, Other Categories
Collagen Face Cream
with Propolis
Collagen cream :
Its collagen made using nanotechnology to provide the smallest amino acid molecules to allow penetration deeper into the skin layers. It has lifting, firming, moisturizing and anti wrinkle effects. Skin toning and whitening activitywith Propolis, lavender oil, vitamin E, vitamin C you got an amazing youthful look for your face.All ingredients share in solving any problem hurting your skin.SKU: 699962 -
Body care products with honey and propolis
ANTI-AGING FACE CREAM with Propolis, lavender oil, vitamin E, vitamin C and Gutu Kola which has powerful anti-aging properties for your skin
all these ingredients ensure full protection for your skin against environmental damaging effects.
give you youthful smooth radiant skin devoid of blemishes and fine wrinkles
SKU: 700250 -
Body care products with honey and propolis
The perfect healthy tooth paste made from natural components ,Free from SLS, Fluoride, Paraben, Colorant, 90% natural ingredients that is safe to be used for children.
Propolis is the main component for disinfect whole mouth,heal ulceration and protect against Dental caries.
SKU: 700335