Manuka honey
Showing 1–24 of 32 results
Awarded products, Manuka honey, SPECIAL OFFERS, Types of honey
Manuka 5+ umf 500 grams
هو العسل الذي يتم انتاجه في نيوزيلندا من قبل النحل ويلقح شجيرة مانوكا الأصلية ويعرف بانه مضاد للأكسدة
فوائد عسل المانوكا:
-يخفف من الاضطرابات الهضمية
– يعمل على تقوية المناعة
– مضاد للحموضة فيخفف حرقة الفتحة الفؤادية للمعدة
– يحارب جرثومة المعدة (الميكروب الحلزوني)
– يخفف الارتجاع المعدي المريئي
– يهدئ اعراض متلازمة القولون العصبيSKU: n/a -
Manuka honey, Types of honey
Manuka Honey (15+ UMF)250g
Manuka honey:
Produced by European bees from the nectar of the Manuka tree flowers in New Zealand and Australia. It contains a high percentage of antioxidants and therapeutic enzymes.
And the package says +15 UMF, which means that each kilo of honey contains 514 mg of methylglyoxal, which is responsible for the strength of honey as an antimicrobial, and its benefits include:
Treatment of reflux esophagitis (GERD), which causes acidity, activates the immune system in the body against diseases, anti-oxidant and cancer, and prevents high blood sugar and cholesterol
Treatment of gastric and duodenal ulcers caused by stomach germs and Irritable Bowel Syndrome, and an antimicrobial that causes sore throat – cough – fever sores.SKU: MAN15UMF1 -
Awarded products, Manuka honey, Types of honey
Manuka Honey ( 5+ UMF )500gm
Manuka honey is made in New Zealand by bees that pollinate the native manuka bush.
-Help in digestive dysfunctions
– Antacid so it relieves heart burn
– Anti microbial against Helicobacter Pylori
– Relieves GERD
– Relieves symptoms of Irritable bowel disease
– Boost immunitySKU: n/a -
Manuka honey, Types of honey
Manuka Honey (10+ UMF50)250g
Manuka honey:
Produced by European bees from the nectar of the Manuka tree flowers in New Zealand and Australia. It contains a high percentage of antioxidants and therapeutic enzymes.
And the package says +10 UMF, which means that each kilo of honey contains 263 mg of methylglyoxal, which is responsible for the strength of honey as an antimicrobial, and its benefits include:
Treatment of reflux esophagitis (GERD), which causes acidity, activates the immune system in the body against diseases, anti-oxidant and cancer, and prevents high blood sugar and cholesterol
Treatment of gastric and duodenal ulcers caused by stomach germs and Irritable Bowel Syndrome, and an antimicrobial that causes sore throat – cough – fever sores.SKU: n/a -
Manuka honey, Types of honey
Manuka honey (25+ UMF) 500 g
عسل المانوكا:
ينتجه النحل الأوروبي من رحيق زهور شجرة المانوكا في نيوزلندا وأستراليا. يحتوي على نسبة عالية من مضادات الأكسدة والإنزيمات العلاجية
والعبوة يكتب عليها رقم +25 UMF تعني ان كل كيلو عسل يحتوي على 1200 مجم ميثيل جليوكسال المسؤول عن قوة العسل كمضاد للميكروبات.
من فوائد عسل المانوكا:
- لالتهاب المريء القلسي GERDالذي يسبب الحموضة وتنشيط اجهزة المناعة في الجسم ضد الامراض ومضاد للأكسدة ويقي من ارتفاع سكر وكولسترول الدم
- مفيد لقرحة المعدة والأثنى عشر التي تسببها جرثومة المعدة.
- القولون العصبي.
- مضاد للميكروبات التي تسبب ألام الحلق – السعال – حمى القروح.
SKU: n/a -
Manuka honey, Types of honey
Manuka Honey (25+ UMF)500gm
Manuka honey:
Produced by European bees from the nectar of the Manuka tree flowers in New Zealand and Australia. It contains a high percentage of antioxidants and therapeutic enzymes.
And the package says +25 UMF, which means that each kilo of honey contains 1200 mg of methylglyoxal, which is responsible for the strength of honey as an antimicrobial, and its benefits include:
Treatment of reflux esophagitis (GERD), which causes acidity, activates the immune system in the body against diseases, anti-oxidant and cancer, and prevents high blood sugar and cholesterol
Treatment of gastric and duodenal ulcers caused by stomach germs and Irritable Bowel Syndrome, and an antimicrobial that causes sore throat – cough – fever sores.SKU: n/a -
Awarded products, Manuka honey, Types of honey
Manuka Honey (25+ UMF)250gm
Manuka honey:
Produced by European bees from the nectar of the Manuka tree flowers in New Zealand and Australia. It contains a high percentage of antioxidants and therapeutic enzymes.
And the package says +25 UMF, which means that each kilo of honey contains 1200 mg of methylglyoxal, which is responsible for the strength of honey as an antimicrobial, and its benefits include:
Treatment of reflux esophagitis (GERD), which causes acidity, activates the immune system in the body against diseases, anti-oxidant and cancer, and prevents high blood sugar and cholesterol
Treatment of gastric and duodenal ulcers caused by stomach germs and Irritable Bowel Syndrome, and an antimicrobial that causes sore throat – cough – fever sores.SKU: KANE25PLUS -
Honey mixtures, Manuka honey, Other Categories, Types of honey
Bee Venom . Propolis & Royal Jelly in Manuka Honey 150 g
Honey mixtures, Manuka honey, Other Categories, Types of honeyBee Venom . Propolis & Royal Jelly in Manuka Honey 150 g
The demand for this product is constantly increasing due to its effectiveness, especially for its effectiveness with the following cases:
Pain in the body/bones
Joint problems and vertebral column cartilage and disc
Fighting Infections
Immunity booster
SKU: n/a -
Awarded products, Manuka honey, Types of honey
Manuka Honey (20+ UMF)500gm
Manuka Honey UMF +20 contain 829 mg methylglyoxal per each kg of honey
Manuka honey is made in New Zealand by bees that pollinate the native manuka bush.
Manuka Honey has been used since ancient times to treat multiple conditions. It wasn’t until the late 19th century that researchers discovered that honey has natural antibacterial qualities.
Honey protects against damage caused by bacteria. Some also boost production of special cells that can repair tissue damaged by infection. And honey has an anti-inflammatory action that can quickly ease pain and inflammation.
It was also noted that manuka honey has calming skirts for: sore throat – cold symptoms – coughs – inflammations of the inner cavity, symptoms of colds, fever sores and gastro-intestinal tract.
Awarded products, Manuka honey, SPECIAL OFFERS, Types of honey
Manuka Honey (+10 UMF ) 500 g
عسل المانوكا:
ينتجه النحل الأوروبي من رحيق زهور شجرة المانوكا في نيوزلندا وأستراليا. يحتوي على نسبة عالية من مضادات الأكسدة والإنزيمات العلاجية
والعبوة يكتب عليها رقم +10 UMF تعني ان كل كيلو عسل يحتوي على 263 مجم ميثيل جليوكسال المسؤول عن قوة العسل كمضاد للميكروبات ومن فوائده:
علاج التهاب المريء القلسي GERDالذي يسبب الحموضة وتنشيط اجهزة المناعة في الجسم ضد الامراض ومضاد للأكسدة ويقي من ارتفاع سكر وكولسترول الدم
علاج قرحة المعدة والأثنى عشر التي تسببها جرثومة المعدة والقولون العصبي ومضاد للميكروبات التي تسبب ألام الحلق – السعال – حمى القروح.
Awarded products, Manuka honey, Types of honey
Manuka Honey (10+ UMF)500g
Manuka honey:
Produced by European bees from the nectar of the Manuka tree flowers in New Zealand and Australia. It contains a high percentage of antioxidants and therapeutic enzymes.
And the package says +10 UMF, which means that each kilo of honey contains 263 mg of methylglyoxal, which is responsible for the strength of honey as an antimicrobial, and its benefits include:
Treatment of reflux esophagitis (GERD), which causes acidity, activates the immune system in the body against diseases, anti-oxidant and cancer, and prevents high blood sugar and cholesterol
Treatment of gastric and duodenal ulcers caused by stomach germs and Irritable Bowel Syndrome, and an antimicrobial that causes sore throat – cough – fever sores.SKU: MNK10PLUS -
Manuka honey
manuka honey candy(8*2.8g)22.4g
Solid Manuka Honey candy dried by cold process using a high precision technology to preserve the properties and enzymes in honey.Features:
These pure Manuka Honey candy are made from some of the best New Zealand Manuka Honey which is recognized for its unique properties and it has been valued for its health-maintaining effects. Customers enjoy its delecious taste besides its health benefits. It is fabulous to lessen sore throat and symptoms of influenza
SKU: 536022 -
Body care products with honey and propolis, Manuka honey
Manuka Mask 50 g
Natural formula rich in antioxidants, vitamin A and vitamin C, and contains anti microbial compounds and amino acids that nourish and help regenerate skin cells. Contains oils that are rich in omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, and by applying them to the face, the skin absorbs them as they nourish collagen and stimulate its formation under the skin and revitalizing it, which gives the face the appearance of fullness and youthfulness.
with the following ingredients provide shiny radient youthful appearance of your face
Ingredients: Raw Manuka Honey – olive oil – walnut oil – vitamin E – royal jelly – Propolis – pollens – germ oil – grape oil – Linseed oil – glycerin – sheia butter.
SKU: 7571 -
Awarded products, Manuka honey, Types of honey
Manuka Honey ( 5+ UMF )250gm
Manuka honey is made in New Zealand by bees that pollinate the native manuka bush.
-Help in digestive dysfunctions
– Antacid so it relieves heart burn
– Anti microbial against Helicobacter Pylori
– Relieves GERD
– Relieves symptoms of Irritable bowel disease
– Boost immunitySKU: MNK5PLUS -
Awarded products, Manuka honey
manuka honey 28 + umf 350 gram+ALnokhba honey500gm
Manuka honey:
Produced by European bees from the nectar of the Manuka tree flowers in New Zealand and Australia. It contains a high percentage of antioxidants and therapeutic enzymes.
And the package says +28 UMF, which means that each kilo of honey contains 1450 mg of methylglyoxal, which is responsible for the strength of honey as an antimicrobial, and its benefits include:
Treatment of reflux esophagitis (GERD), which causes acidity, activates the immune system in the body against diseases, anti-oxidant and cancer, and prevents high blood sugar and cholesterol
Treatment of gastric and duodenal ulcers caused by stomach germs and Irritable Bowel Syndrome, and an antimicrobial that causes sore throat – cough – fever sores.SKU: n/a -
Manuka honey, Types of honey
Manuka honey 500g (15+active)
Manuka Honey UMF +15 contain 514 mg methylglyoxal per each kg of honey
Manuka honey is made in New Zealand by bees that pollinate the native manuka bush.
Manuka Honey has been used since ancient times to treat multiple conditions. It wasn’t until the late 19th century that researchers discovered that honey has natural antibacterial qualities.
Honey protects against damage caused by bacteria. Some also boost production of special cells that can repair tissue damaged by infection. And honey has an anti-inflammatory action that can quickly ease pain and inflammation.
It was also noted that manuka honey has calming skirts for: sore throat – cold symptoms – coughs – inflammations of the inner cavity, symptoms of colds, and fever sores.
Benefits of Manuka Honey for gastro-intestinal tract:
- digestion dysfunction,
- Irritable bowel disease
- Heartburn from Hyper Acidity,
- Helicobacter Pylori
- Duodenal ulcer
SKU: 719601 -
Manuka honey
Manuka Honey (5+ UMF) Squeeze 360 gram
Manuka honey is made in New Zealand by bees that pollinate the native manuka bush.
MANUKA HONEY BENEFITS : — Help in digestive dysfunctions
– Antacid so it relieves heart burn
– Anti microbial against Helicobacter Pylori
– Relieves GERD
– Relieves symptoms of Irritable bowel disease
– Boost immunitySKU: MNKSQU