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•زيت زيتون فلسطيني 500 مل
•عسل الزعفران 400 جرام
•بسكويت المعجزة بالإسباغول والشوفان والحبة السوداء (9 حبات*20 جرام)180 جرام
•شراب المناعه 500 مل
•شوكولاته بلجيكية بعسل السدر 100 جرام
•قهوة بالجنسنغ الكوري الاحمر (8 أكياس+8ملاعق عسل مجانا)
•زيت زيتون فلسطيني 500 مل
•عسل الزعفران 400 جرام
•بسكويت المعجزة بالإسباغول والشوفان والحبة السوداء (9 حبات*20 جرام)180 جرام
•شراب المناعه 500 مل
•شوكولاته بلجيكية بعسل السدر 100 جرام
( Manuka Honey spoons
Manuka honey is made in New Zealand by bees that pollinate the native manuka bush.
Manuka Honey has been used since ancient times to treat multiple conditions. It wasn’t until the late 19th century that researchers discovered that honey has natural antibacterial qualities.
Honey protects against damage caused by bacteria. Some also boost production of special cells that can repair tissue damaged by infection. And honey has an anti-inflammatory action that can quickly ease pain and inflammation.
It was also noted that manuka honey has calming skirts for: sore throat – cold symptoms – coughs – inflammations of the inner cavity, symptoms of colds, and fever sores.
Benefits of Manuka Honey for gastro-intestinal tract:
Natural honey produced by bees from the nectar of the nigella flowers, not by mixing honey with nigella powder, so this product bears all the properties of this wondrous plant known for its benefits since ancient times.
Useful for chest, cough and cough problems – Strengthens the heart – Purifies the blood – Activates the liver – Useful for cases of nausea – Purifies the urinary system, diuretic, disintegrates stones and is very useful for bladder congestion
Manuka Honey UMF +25 contain 1200 mg methylglyoxal per each kg of honey
Manuka honey is made in New Zealand by bees that pollinate the native manuka bush.
Manuka Honey has been used since ancient times to treat multiple conditions. It wasn’t until the late 19th century that researchers discovered that honey has natural antibacterial qualities.
Honey protects against damage caused by bacteria. Some also boost production of special cells that can repair tissue damaged by infection. And honey has an anti-inflammatory action that can quickly ease pain and inflammation.
It was also noted that manuka honey has calming skirts for: sore throat – cold symptoms – coughs – inflammations of the inner cavity, symptoms of colds, and fever sores.
Benefits of Manuka Honey for gastro-intestinal tract:
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