Definition of wildflower honey
It is the honey that is produced by bees that feed on the nectar of flowers of plants that naturally grow by rain water on different wild places without human intervention, such as acacia, dandelion, fennel, sage, saffron, daffodil, marjoram, eucalyptus, nigella and other aromatic and wild flowers. The produced honey has a wonderful strong smell and makes the consumer enjoy its rich and wonderful flavor, and therefore it is completely different from other types of honey, as it contains a large percentage of pollen and nutrients that increase its high nutritional value. As regard the color of honey, it varies according to the time period during which it is produced. Its color tends to be distinctive dark and its taste is stronger when collected late at the end of the summer and autumn seasons, and the reason for this is that the flowers that grow in hot weather differ from others flowers that grow in spring and early summer their resulting honey are distinguished by being Light in color and light in flavor. Wild honey is an organic product, and its plants have not been exposed to fertilizers or pesticides.
Wildflower honey uses:
This honey is characterized by its many benefits and uses, including the following:
- It is used as an alternative to sugar in sweetening drinks and juices such as tea, yogurt, coffee and juices.
- You can put it on many foods as it enhances their delicious flavor, in addition to increasing their nutritional value.
Benefits of wildflower honey:
1- This type of honey is famous for its ability to reduce weight significantly, and the reason for this is because it is rich in various vitamins and minerals that the body needs, and gives a feeling of satiety, as it contains minerals important for weight loss.
2- Increasing energy because it is a concentrated source of carbohydrates, sugars and minerals that stimulate the metabolic process and provide the body with the necessary energy.
3- Treating the problem of dry throat, and an effective treatment for cough.
4- This honey improves the ability of vision, and it is a treatment for migraines and nervous headaches.
5- Good for treating eczema, psoriasis, impetigo, and boils that affect the skin.
6- It has anti-inflammatory and antihistamine properties.
7- It rids the body of seasonal allergies. When consuming it with its pollen content from the flowers of the season, it alerts the human immune system to produce antibodies equivalent to the allergic reaction that results from inhaling the pollen grains of the season, but in gradual course till the body adapt pollen exposure.
8- Helps digestion, relieves infections of the gastrointestinal tract, and prevents constipation
9- Rich in antioxidants that protect against free radicals that cause degenerative diseases and cancer
10- Rich in antimicrobials of all kinds
Carnation honey:
This honey is widely used in the treatment of oral pain and gums, and it is good for treating ulcers in the mouth, and it also protects the teeth from decay because it contains a high percentage of antibiotics that sterilize the mouth and kill all kinds of bacteria in it.
It is considered one of the varieties of honey that is useful in treating digestive disorders and indigestion.
Nutritional value of wildflower honey:
Wildflower honey contains varying proportions of:
1- The sugars fructose, glucose, maltose, sucrose, and water,
2- A number of yeasts such as: amylase, phosphatase, invertase, catalase, peroxidase, and lipase.
3- A large number of amino acids such as phenylalanine acid, proline acid, tyrosine acid, thyronine acid, alanine acid, glutamic acid, sarin acid, isoleucine acid, histidine acid.
4- A large group of vitamins such as vitamins B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B8, B9, vitamin C, carotene.
5- In addition to the minerals calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorous, potassium, sodium, zinc, manganese, lead, and copper.
From the hive to the bottle
Unheated- Unprocessed – Unfiltered
Method of determination of honey pollen and geographical source of honey:
- Each type of honey has special physical characteristics known to beekeepers and experience people for testing honey only such as the color of honey, taste, flavor and smell, which is transmitted to honey from the flower. For example, the smell of Sidr honey reminds you of the same smell from the Sidr tree in the Sidr season during October and January (note that honey exposed to high heating loses the smell and flavor of honey
- Each type of honey have a special color from clear to white, yellow, red, brown, dark and black according to the flower and beekeepers knows easily. for measuring honey color there is a special device called colorimeter by unite (pfund).
- Each type of honey has its own electrical conductivity number, which measured by a special device in the laboratory called conductivity meter.
- The most important method that is used generally to determine the honey flower and the geographical location of honey is to determine the type, shape and number of pollen in honey by microscopy and matching with flower pollen around the world through Atlas pollen. It’s like the fingerprint of every honey.
Here is a clarification of some of the necessary points related to what we have mentioned:
- Pollen sticks to the legs of bees when standing on the flowers to absorb the nectar then pollen Mixing with honey.
- Each flower has pollen different from other types of flowers in the shape depending on the region. For example, the shape of pollen for the flower of Manuka is different from the shape of pollen for the flower of Sidr honey or others.
- External pollen from different flower or area can not be added to honey to change the source of honey because the shape and size of pollen which are added to honey by bees are different because many changes and treatments and chemical additions by bees are applied, therefore bee pollen are completely different from the pollen added by humans hand and distinguished clearly under Microscope.
- Each drop of honey contains very high number of pollen, the least (10,000) and may reach 100,000. The honey which have more number of pollen have more benefits to human health.
- Consumers can observe pollen in honey on the surface of unfiltered honey or inside the honey as impurities or sediments.
- Commercial companies work on the process of cleaning and filtering honey from pollen because it helps to speed up the crystallization of honey and this process makes their product shiny, beautiful, desirable and attractive to the consumer, but this kind of honey have low benefits for human health.
- US honey is completely free of pollen because they consider pollen are foreign on the honey and must be filtered. European honey contains some pollen because European standard of honey not allow removing pollen from honey. Honey is also found in beekeepers with very high amounts of pollen so honey crystallizes quickly.
- one honey jar or one drop of honey have hundreds types of pollen, but honey is called by the flower name which have highest number of pollen inside that honey as “clover honey” means that the pollen of clover’s flower has the highest number for other pollen.
How to check honey at home?
- See thoroughly a closer look of honey because natural honey contains impurities, either on the surface or inside the honey packaging, while the abnormal is very transparent, such as glass so as not to obscure the vision from behind the package.
- Smell honey The honey smell may be permeable or weak, which is the smell of flowers and fields, which produced honey by bees, while honey unnatural or unhelpful has no smell at all.
- Taste honey, natural honey has a flavor, which is the flavor of flowers and plants, while unnatural honey is just sweetness, meaning sweet like sugar syrup without any special taste.
- Eat honey, if it was natural, then it relaxes your stomach and you do not feel any discomfort in the stomach, but if the honey is not natural, you will feel a burning sensation in the stomach that does not fade away except by drinking water several times throughout the day.