Wildflower Honey
Wildflower honey is which produced by bees feeding on the
nectar of flowers of plants that grow naturally on rainwater in various wild
places without human intervention, such as acacia, dandelion, fennel, sage,
saffron, daffodils, marjoram and other aromatic and wild flowers. Therefore,
the resulting honey gives a wonderful, strong smell and gives the consumer its
wonderful, rich flavor. Therefore, it is completely different from other types
of honey. It also contains a large percentage of pollen and nutrients that
increase its high nutritional value. As for the color of the honey, it varies
according to the time period during which it is produced, as its color tends to
be distinctively dark and its taste is stronger when collected late in the
summer and fall. The reason for this is the difference between flowers that
grow in hot climates and others, while flowers that grow in the spring, i.e.
early in the summer, the resulting honey is characterized by its light color
and light taste. Wild honey is distinguished by being an organic product whose
plants have not been exposed to fertilizers or pesticides.
Uses of wild flower honey:
This honey is characterized by its various benefits and
uses, including the following:
• It is used as a substitute for sugar in sweetening drinks
and juices such as tea, milk, coffee and juices.
• You can put it on many foods as it enhances their
wonderful delicious flavor in addition to increasing their nutritional value.
• Increase energy because it is a concentrated source of
carbohydrates, sugars and minerals that stimulate the metabolism and provide
the body with the necessary energy.
How to test honey at home?
Some important points to know if honey is natural and
beneficial (because it may be natural but not beneficial if it is processed in
unhealthy ways such as heating):
1 - Look closely at the honey because natural honey contains
impurities whether on the surface or inside the honey container, while
unnatural honey is very transparent like glass so that it does not obstruct the
view from behind the container.
2 - Smell the honey because honey has a smell that may be
pungent or weak, which is the smell of flowers and fields from which honey was
produced by bees, while unnatural or unhealthy honey has no smell at all.
3- Taste the honey, natural honey has a flavor, which is the
flavor of flowers and plants, while unnatural honey is just sweet, meaning
sweet like sugar syrup without any special taste.
4- Eat honey, if it is natural, it will soothe your stomach
and you will not feel any discomfort in the stomach, but if the honey is
unnatural, you will feel a burning sensation in the stomach that will not go
away except by drinking water several times throughout the day.