
HONEY SPOON FLOWER 10g*50PCS offer 2+1

KWD8.800 KWD13.200


This honey is distinguished from others, as the bee that produced it extracted it from the nectar of more than one type of flower. It has more than one benefit as it has a percentage of various pollen grains, which gives it a high nutritional value.

Health benefits:

  • Suitable for sweetening drinks and foods, so that specialists recommend that honey to be included in everyday foods.
  • Considered as a primary source of energy. The properties of honey differ according to the source of the nectar that it is made from
  • It is used during the diet to lose weight as it works to compensate the body for what it loses of vitamins, proteins and mineral salts during the slimming process.
  • It is used in the treatment of dry throat and cough, improving vision, treating nervous headaches, and preventing eczema, impetigo, psoriasis and boils.
  • Activating and purifying blood circulation and very useful for allergies, dizziness, vomiting, constipation, increased acidity, and uterine contractions. And it is useful for irritable bowel and general health for all family members.



Natural Yemeni flower honey:

This honey is distinguished from others, as the bee that produced it extracted it from the nectar of more than one type of flower.

The color of this honey is lighter and its taste is lighter which is produced from the nectar of flowers that grow in the spring and early summer, such as clover flower honey, orange flower nectar honey, and Carnation flower honey. Production From more than one plant give it a wonderful taste and many benefits that match the floral source, which is similar to green field honey, but it has stronger qualities than it in terms of taste, color and smell. Yemeni country includes about 1200 types of flowering plants, such as fruit flowers that grow in Yemen in addition to aromatic flowers among them are kadi, basil, rose, samac jasmine, narcissus, jasmine, rue, elderberry, Wormwood and lily.

Regarding these types, the qualities and uses of flower honey become clear. It can be used for cooking and baking; This is because it has a mild taste and therefore does not affect the other ingredients in the food. It is also a good sweetener for tea and tastes good, especially when mixed with fruits to make iced juices. It is also one of the best types to eat during breakfast.

Benefits of some types of Yemeni flower honey:

  • This type of honey is famous for its ability to help weight reduction significantly, and the reason for this is because it is rich in various vitamins and minerals that the body needs, and it also contains important minerals for weight loss.

2- Increasing energy because it is a concentrated source of carbohydrates, sugars and minerals that stimulate the metabolic process and provide the body with the necessary energy.

3- Treating the problem of dry throat, and an effective treatment for cough.

4- This honey improves the ability of vision, and it is a treatment for migraines and nervous headaches.

5- Good for treating eczema, psoriasis, impetigo, and boils that affect the skin.

6- It has anti-inflammatory and antihistamine properties.

7- The body gets rid of seasonal allergies. When consuming it with the pollen contained in the flowers of the season, it alerts the human immune system to produce antibodies equivalent to the allergic reaction that results from inhaling the pollen grains in the season.

8- Helps digestion, relieves infections of the gastrointestinal tract, and prevents constipation

9- Rich in antioxidants that protect against free radicals that cause degenerative diseases and cancer

10-Carnation honey:

This honey is widely used in the treatment of dental pain and gums, and it is good for treating ulcers in the mouth, and it also protects the teeth from decay because it contains a high percentage of anti-microbials that sterilize the mouth and kill all kinds of bacteria in it.

It is considered one of the varieties of honey that is useful in treating digestive disorders and indigestion.

Nutritional value of flower honey

Flower honey contains varying proportions of:

1- The sugars fructose, glucose, maltose, sucrose, and water,

2- A number of enzymes such as: amylase, phosphatase, invertase, catalase, peroxidase, and lipase.

3- A large number of amino acids such as phenylalanine acid, proline acid, tyrosine acid, thyronine acid, alanine acid, glutamic acid, sarin acid, isoleucine acid, histidine acid.

4- A large group of vitamins such as vitamins B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B8, B9, vitamin C, carotene.

5- In addition to the minerals like calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorous, potassium, sodium, zinc, manganese, lead and copper.


Khanbash , M ,S(2005), Bee Forage plants in Yemen, Apiculture of Yemen, Series Published by Honeybee Center, Hadhramout University of Science & Technology, No.4 April, Page 10.

Ecological Study on Main Important Bee Plants in Yemen Mohammed S.Khanbash and Mohammed H.AL-madani Honeybee Center – Hadhramout University

P.O.BOX 9036 Seiyun , Hadhramout , Yemen E-mail:[email protected]

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