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Pine oils are obtained by extracting the precious oils from the needle like seeds. They contain high levels of “phenols” which help fight germs and diseases

some amazing benefits of pine oils.

1) Help growth of the hair, Pine Oil is reputed to exhibit an antimicrobial property that cleanses to remove bacteria as well as a build-up of excess oil, dead skin, and dirt. This helps prevent inflammation, itchiness, and infection, which in turn enhances the hair’s natural smoothness and shine. It contributes moisture to eliminate and protect against dandruff, and it nourishes to maintain the health of the scalp and strands. Pine l Oil is also one of the oils known to protect against lice.

2) Reduces Pain, Redness and Swelling:  massage with Pine oil can provide much needed relief to those struggling with joint pain, stiffness and discomfort as well as muscle aches and pains. Add a few drops to bath water or use in massage oil.

3) Anti-Viral: Pine oil can help fight off the common cold or flu. Add 1-2 drops of pine oil to tea or hot water. And massage few drops to alae nasi to lessen coryza

4) Expectorant: Pine oil can also help break up congestion and phlegm. To take advantage of this benefit, either smell pine oil directly from the jar, add a few drops to your diffuser or, combine a few drops with some coconut oil and rub on the chest as you would a vapor rub.

5) Skin Care: Pine oil is known to be an antiseptic and is regularly used to treat boils, cuts, sports injuries, and Athletes’ Foot. This is not only due to its antiseptic properties, but also its anti-fungal characteristics, pine oil can help with everything from eczema, acne, athletes’ foot, itching and psoriasis when applied topically. It slow the appearance of signs of aging, including fine lines, wrinkles, sagging skin, and age spots

6) Antioxidant: Pine oil neutralizes free-redials thus helping to slow the aging process. It also offers protection against eye degeneration, muscle degeneration and nervous system disorders.

7) Headache Reliever: Rub pine oil onto your temples and chest when a headache strikes or smell the vapors directly from the bottle for quick relief. You could also add a few drops to your clothes after they have been washed and before you put them in the dryer as a fabric scent to help keep away headaches

8) Pine oil is great for reducing the inflammation of the gallbladder and the incidence of gallstones.

9) Pine oil May Reduce Infections and accelerate healing Pine oil is a natural remedy for various infections, including Urinary Tract Infections (UTI). This protective property is due once again to its antibacterial components an antiseptic and is regularly used to treat boils, cuts, sports injuries, and Athletes’ Foot. This is not only due to its antiseptic properties, but also its anti-fungal characteristics.

10) May Relieve Stress: It can create an energized feeling and is effective for removing mental stress. It is also used medicinally for removing adrenal fatigue and refreshing your spirits since it is an excellent mood elevator.

SKU: 14474 Category:

