Sidr Honey with Royal jelly
Sidr Honey with Royal jelly
KD 5.500

Sidr honey with royal jelly is a luxurious natural honey extracted by bees from the nectar of the Sidr flower (the canary tree), which belongs to Ziziphus family and grows in the mountains and arid deserts of the Arabian Peninsula and its outskirts, such as Yemen. It has the same specifications and is known for its high nutritional properties. Its honey is desired by the residents of these regions for its many advantages. Since ancient times, they have been giving it as gifts to kings and presidents as an expression of love and appreciation. This product contains royal jelly added to it.

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Sidr Honey with Royal jelly
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  • Description
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Sidr honey is considered one of the finest, most expensive and best types of honey in the world. It is characterized by its dark color, pleasant smell and delicious taste. It is extracted by bees from the Sidr tree.


How to use

Take a tablespoon of honey dissolved in half a cup of lukewarm water. This helps your body absorb all its beneficial properties. Give half a tablespoon to children three times daily, one hour before eating, to maintain your health. You can eat Mujeza honey as desired.

What is royal food?

Royal jelly is the special milk that the queen bee feeds on in the hive, which the worker bees secrete and then feed directly to the queen. As a result of its unique effect, the queen gains the ability to lay eggs in huge quantities that may reach 2000 eggs per day, which is equivalent to doubling her weight. The queen also gains the ability to lay eggs in huge quantities that may reach 2000 eggs per day, which is equivalent to doubling her weight. A long lifespan of up to 4 years compared to a lifespan of no more than 4 months for the worker bee. The only difference between the worker bee and the queen bee is eating royal jelly only. If the worker bee ate royal jelly, it would turn into a queen and gain the ability to lay eggs.


Queen larvae feed on royal jelly in the brood



What is the effect of royal jelly on humans?

It is clear that royal jelly affects special cells in the bee that have the ability to secrete certain hormones related to the ability to lay eggs (fertilization hormones), others related to size (the queen is twice as large as the worker), and others related to age (the queen lives ten folds longer than the worker) and that these hormone-secreting cells are highly active in the presence of royal jelly.

From here we understand the effect of royal jelly on humans. While the bee only has these three hormones to secrete, we find that humans secrete many hormones that affect all of their activities. He wakes up with a hormone, his sleep with a hormone, his food with a hormone, his immunity with a hormone, his happiness with a hormone, his emotions with a hormone, his anger with a hormone, the building of his bones and muscles with a hormone, and so on... Royal jelly affects all cells that have the property of hormonal secretion, activating them and increasing their effectiveness - by an unknown mechanism - and putting them at higher energy. What is astounding is that this effect continues for a relatively long period after stopping the royal jelly. As a result, the user of royal jelly finds that his activity is greater, his muscles are stronger, his sleep is deeper, his immunity is stronger, and he is more relaxed. He is more beautiful, his memory is stronger, his alertness is sharper, his pain is less, his interaction with his community is more fulfilled, and in general his health is better, even with small doses of royal jelly.



Some observed effects - experimentally only - of royal jelly:

•             Reducing blood cholesterol: Royal jelly activates the synthesis of hormones from its basic units, which is the cholesterol ring. Indeed, giving chemical drugs that prevent the absorption of cholesterol hinders the effect of royal jelly.

•             Opposes the cases of general lethargy, laziness, disturbance of the human biological clock, and sleep disorders

•             It increases the body's immunity and resistance to diseases in general, perhaps thanks to the increase in the secretion of internal interferon

•             It increases skin vitality and freshness, prevents the appearance of wrinkles, and removes old wrinkles by taking it orally and applying it topically.

•             It prevents the fibrous transformation mechanism that occurs with aging and reverses it, especially prostate fibrosis

•             Opposes the cases of weak fertility in both men and women, as it raises the percentage of free hormones in the blood of both sexes. It must be noted that it should not be given to children under the age of puberty continuously because it accelerates reaching adulthood

•             Opposes the cases of osteoporosis and lack of calcium deposition in bone tissue

•             It reduces the symptoms of disorders that usually accompany menopause (such as feeling hot, feeling tired, chest tightness, depression...)

•             Muscle strengthener and muscle mass booster for those who want to get bigger muscles

•             It relieves cases of degenerative joint pain by taking it in general and applying it locally. It also relieves nerve pain such as the pain of a herniated disc in the back vertebrae and the resulting pain of nerve root compression.

•             Suppresses the symptoms of aging and its accompanying symptoms of bad mood, constipation, feeling cold, and feeling tired

•             Optimizes cases of appetite disorders, whether excessive thinness or excessive obesity and in cases of recovery from various diseases.


Does royal jelly have irritating effects?

The effect of royal jelly varies greatly from one person to another because it originally restores the required balance to the body. While it may cause extreme activity in some, it may cause sleep and drowsiness in others, and it may increase appetite in some, but it may cause suppression of appetite and stomach cramps in others, and its effect may appear quickly. For some people - within an hour - but its effect may be delayed in appearing for several days, especially in the elderly. Therefore, we advise every person to pay attention when taking it to its own effects and to determine his dose himself based on these effects.

We mention some of the annoying effects that have appeared in some people:

 Feeling dizzy. Especially in some women of reproductive age due to occasional vasodilation.

 stomach cramps and a feeling of nausea, especially in smokers, and stomach pain in those with sensitive stomachs.

Anyone who finds any discomfort in royal jelly is advised to take it after food because it reduces the speed of its effect, especially for People with digestive’s pain.


  1. Some benefits of Sidr honey with royal jelly

* Strengthening the nervous system

* Increase physical and mental activity

* To resist fatigue

* A general nourishing and tonic during the recovery period

* Strengthens the body's immune system

* Sexual enhancer

* It stimulates the glands

* It protects against modern diseases, especially diabetes

* Relieves phlegm and coughing

* It is useful in cases of infertility as it increases fertility in men and women

* Very useful for liver and prostate diseases

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