A type of animal ghee that takes the form of fat extracted from sheep’s or cow’s milk in different methods. Al-Azmis and Al-Mutran excel at making it and its name is Adani. It is attributed to the tribes that inhabited the coastal area of Al-Adan, and then brought to Al-Saif in Kuwait City by packaged in leather sacs, which is called ‘Akeek, the singular ‘Akah.
Adani ghee production increases in the spring season, when goats and ewes are fattened, as they eat spring plants and herbs that increase its deliciousness and authenticity. Then it is seasoned with some species consist of fennel, cumin, coriander and turmeric to give the butter a pleasant aroma and delicious taste.
The benefits of sheep’s ghee
- It is one of the most powerful types of laxatives that rid the body of toxins and excrete them, making it effective to combat the problem of constipation.
- It is very useful for the skin, as it helps moisturize it and rid it of the problem of dehydration, which results in signs of premature skin aging, i.e., wrinkles.
- It protects from sunburn, which makes it useful mainly in hot and desert regions in particular.
- Helps protect the nerves and prevents related diseases, including Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and sclerosis
- It calms the nerves and strengthens brain functions, in addition to helping to relax, and it is especially needed by neurological patients, including patients with multiple sclerosis.
- It contains a high percentage of vitamins necessary for growth, health and strength of the body, including vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin E, vitamin B, especially B1, vitamin B2, as well as vitamin B3.
- It contains a high percentage of important minerals for the body, especially calcium, magnesium and phosphorous, which makes it a basis for treating bone and joint problems, various neck aches, and others. It also protects against osteoporosis that particularly affects humans in the advanced stages of their life. Beneficial for dental health
- It reduces the level of triglycerides in the blood, which prevents many serious diseases, and serves as a protective wall for the nerves from the effects of acidosis.
- It improves the psychological state and mood, especially for those who suffer from excessive nervousness. It is also considered a strong sexual stimulant.
- It contains a high percentage of magnesium, which makes it an effective treatment for diabetics who lose this important element in the urine.
- It is very important for the health of the uterus for pregnant women, as well as the health of the fetuses, and it is especially beneficial for women after childbirth, i.e. during the breastfeeding period.
- It helps to raise level of high-density lipoprotein HDL (which the human body cannot create, despite its benefit to health, for the formation of bile, hormones, and the cell membrane of all cells of the body, especially the nerve cell).
- Reduces the level of triglycerides in the blood
- Ghee is a food that quickly converts into energy for two reasons, the first is that the body accepts it, and the second is that it is made up of short carbon atoms. There are four atoms in sheep ghee and six atoms in cow ghee. (Unlike hydrogenated fats, which contain trans fats with a long chain of carbon atoms, so the body does not accept them and considers them distorted.