Ginseng Honey Plus for women 500gm
Ginseng Honey Plus for women 500gm
KD 55.000

Ginseng Plus Honey Mixture is characterized by the fact that it includes herbal extracts that are characterized by their strength and speed of action because their health and therapeutic properties are highly concentrated, and it contains useful healthy ingredients, which are as follows:

• Ginkgo Biloba, which is a powerful antioxidant, and it is also anti-asthma, anti-spasm and anti-inflammatory, and stimulates blood circulation to the heart and brain to improve its performance

• Fatima Herb: You can use such a powerful herb to treat many problems during and after childbirth, and also to get rid of menstrual problems, as it contains many powerful and nutritious elements that work to activate and stimulate the body, so the use of this herb is widespread in many Asian regions.

• Bee larvae powder: contains hormone-like compounds that strengthen reproductive health

• Ginseng as a natural stimulant and enhancer of cognitive and physical functions in general and to strengthen the immune system

• Royal jelly, which is related to cell rejuvenation, especially weak fertility in men and women alike

• Propolis as an antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory and immune booster, and also prevents bad breath.

• Black seed is rich in vitamins, minerals, proteins, fatty acids and antioxidants and is a sexual stimulant.

• Palm pollen helps increase sperm in men and ovulation in women,

• Tongkat Ali, known as Asian Viagra for erectile dysfunction in men and raises testosterone levels in men.

• Musli or “marital happiness herb”

• Sharsh al-Zaloo’, known as an antioxidant and stimulant

• A variety of nuts characterized by high nutritional value that gives the ginseng honey mixture a wonderful taste.

• Ganoderma mushroom is a sexual stimulant and fertilizer


What distinguishes this honey from regular ginseng honey

• Ginseng Plus honey contains herbs and herbal extracts to increase concentration

• It contains the Ginkgo Biloba plant (herb and extract) as well as the propolis extract of bee glue

• With a variety of nuts characterized by high nutritional value, which gives the Ginseng Plus honey mixture for women a wonderful taste.


Ingredients of the Ginseng Plus honey mixture for women:

·        Yemeni Sidr honey

·        Royal jelly

·        Propolis (bee glue)

·        Ginseng powder

·        Palm pollen

·        Black seed

·        Muesli

·        Nuts

·        Ganoderma powder.

·        Ganoderma extract

·        Ginkobiloba powder

·        Ginkobiloba extract

Ginseng Honey Plus for women 500gm
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  • Description
  • Benefits
  • Reviews

The ginseng honey mix contains beneficial healthy ingredients, as follows:

Ginkgo biloba extract & powder


  1. Improving mental health by strengthening memory, which is useful in the treatment of Alzheimer’s, improving the performance of daily tasks and social behavior, and alleviating anxiety and depression
  2. Beneficial for the eye Contains antioxidants that improve blood flow, reducing the deterioration of the health of the retina and protecting against high eye pressure
  3. Treatment of blood flow problems such as: thrombophlebitis, Raynaud’s phenomenon, and peripheral arterial disease.
  4. Other benefits

Possible ginkgo biloba benefits include:
• Treatment of high blood pressure.
• Treatment of insulin resistance.
• Treatment of erectile dysfunction.
• Tinnitus treatment.
• Treatment of multiple sclerosis.


– Sidr Honey which is famous for its tonic effect for general health and reproduction
It is the luxurious natural honey extracted from the nectar of Sidr (Canary tree), which belongs to the family of thistles that grow in the mountains and arid deserts of the Arabian Peninsula and its outskirts. It is rich in antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant compounds that protect against cancer and help strengthen the nervous system. It expels gases, in addition to treating nervous colon, stomach and duodenal ulcers, asthma, allergies, gout, joint pain, and removes excess acidity.It can also be used on wounds and burns, and it is a tonic for the heart and treats insomnia, migraines and anemia, as well as being useful for pregnant women and helps nourish the fetus.

– Royal jelly,

which is related to the rejuvenation of cells, increase their vitality and resist the effects and signs of aging and cases of impaired fertility in men and women alike. Royal jelly benefits summarized as:
Regulating blood sugar and gland functions, for cardiovascular health, improving fertility and relieving menopausal symptoms, strengthening memory, relieving depression, combating signs of skin aging, strengthening the immune system, rich in nutrients and treating anemia


– Propolis, which is called in Arabic the propolis of bee gum,

is the truly amazing substance in the beehive, where propolis works as an anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory, and immune booster, and it also removes unwanted breath odor.Benefits of Propolis (Propolis):
• A strong antioxidant that protects the body from diseases, strengthens the immune system, and is anti-microbial and anti-tumor.
• Helps speed healing of wounds and burns.
• Anti-inflammatory, reduces the formation of blood clots


– The black seed,

which is known as the cumin seed, is rich in vitamins, minerals, plant proteins, essential fatty acids and natural antioxidants, as well as being at the top of the natural sexual stimulants for herbalists from ancient times.


– Palm pollen dust,

which modern medical research has proven to be at the forefront of tonic for the body as it helps to increase sperm count in men and ovulation in women, eliminates stress, and works to remove harmful cholesterol from the blood and get rid of excess fat,


– Musli or “marital happiness herb”,

which is mainly included in the composition of nutritional and sexual tonics that help improve general health and treat impotence for men and women, and improve the chances of pregnancy.


– ginseng powder: the researchers confirm that those roots have the ability to stimulate the secretion of some vital hormones in the human body, which leads to an increase in its efficiency and an increase in its mental and sexual effort and boosting reproductive health and activity.

Uses of ginseng for women:
Ginseng is known for its wonderful and beneficial uses for women. It is used to treat ovulation problems or low sexual desire, as well as to get rid of menopause symptoms.

Medicinal benefits of ginseng

A memory booster and helps increase focus like caffeine, but without side effects such as high blood pressure or negative effects on the nervous system.
The body gives extra energy because it contains steroids, which give an extra boost of energy and activity.
Creams can be used to resist wrinkles and maintain the freshness of the skin.
It strengthens the immune system and weakens the viruses that attack the body.
It contains compound which helps to improve sexual performance, as it strengthens the sexual desire.
Ginseng is useful in the treatment of diabetes and obesity, in addition to being considered a good anti-cancer and improver of cognitive functions and physical performance.


Ganoderma (reishi mushroom)

Powder and Essence their benefits: a type of mushroom repairs and revives damaged cells in the body, rejuvenates and purifies the skin, helps treat and heal wounds, and treats viral skin diseases. It limits the hormonal changes that occur with age and the problems that cause it, such as an enlarged prostate and breast cancer, and maintains hormonal balance.Besides stimulation for sexual desire and reproductive system
It rids the blood of cholesterol, strengthens the blood circulation that protects the heart ,contains antioxidants that increase the effectiveness of the immune system in the body and has a calming effect on anxiety and depression that helps sleep


– A group of nuts for improvement of taste and providing nutritional supports as it contains isoflavones that increase fertility, vitamines and omega fatty acids


Benefits of pollen:

• Increasing blood flow to the body, especially the brain, which reduces stress, and relieves fatigue and exhaustion

• Rich in nutrients for the health of the pregnant woman and fetus

•Anti-inflammatory and helps in speeding up the healing of damaged tissues

• Strong anti-oxidant that resists the symptoms and weakness of aging

•Supports liver health and detoxification

• Anti-cancer and natural antihistamine helps in allergic diseases

• Boost the immune system and anti-microbial

• Alleviate menopause symptoms in women

A variety of nuts characterized by high nutritional value, which gives the honey ginseng mixture a wonderful taste.

For Men mix.


•    Zallou ‘sherry,

which is known as an effective natural aphrodisiac and antioxidant, helps in enhancing sexual capabilities in men, even in healthy individuals who do not suffer from sexual problems.

What distinguishes this honey from regular ginseng honey
  • Ginseng Honey Plus contains herbs and herbal extracts to increase focus
  • It contains ginkgo biloba plant (the herb and extract) as well as propolis extract, bee gum.


The active ingredients for the women mixture

  • Yemeni Sidr Honey
  • Royal Jelly
  • Propolis (bee gum)
  • Ginseng powder
  • Palm pollen dust
  • Black cumin
  • Moseley
  • Nuts
  • Ganoderma lucidum Powder.
  • Ganoderma lucidum Essence
  • Ginko biloba powder
  • Ginkobiloba extract


Optimal handling method : eat one tablespoonful morning and evening before meal

• Ginseng Plus honey contains herbs and herbal extracts to increase concentration

• It contains the Ginkgo Biloba plant (herb and extract) as well as the propolis extract of bee glue

• With a variety of nuts characterized by high nutritional value, which gives the Ginseng Plus honey mixture for women a wonderful taste.

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